Objective To modify transverse colon loop ostomy operation. 目的改进横结肠袢式造瘘的术式。
The mathematical model of closing loop operation is established and a method for surge current calculation based on Thevenin s equivalent is proposed in this paper. 针对合环操作冲击电流可能越限的问题,提出一种基于戴维南等值的冲击电流计算方法。
For the difference of bus voltage, the closing loop operation of distribution network will generate large loop current and impact current, which would affects the safety. 由于合环开关两侧母线电压存在电压幅值、相位差等原因,使合环操作中产生过大环流,引起过流保护或速断保护误动。
Analysis of Loop Line Operation Mode for Shanghai Metro Line 4 上海轨道交通4号线环线运营组织实践分析
Design and research on the loop closing operation analysis system medium voltage in radial distribution network 辐射型中压配电网合环分析系统的设计与研究
Calculation Model and Method of Closed Loop Operation in Distribution Network 一种应用于配电网合环操作的计算模型与方法
Large number of loop operation, especially the electromagnetic loop operation, has made the fault current excess the switch capacity. 由于大量的环网运行方式,尤其是电磁环网运行方式,造成电网短路电流超出开关设备容量。
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of protective transverse loop colostomy operation. 目的探讨经上腹正中切口制作横结肠袢式扭转造口的临床效果。
In the experiment, the feasibility of the digital control is validated for amplitude and phase close loop operation in driven mode. 通过实测,验证了他激模式下幅度控制环路和相位控制环路中实现数字式控制的可行性。
A program switch controller is built by using CL/ HPM to let a complex control loop into operation immediately after the trouble is removed and to accomplish undisturbed operation. 应用CL/HPM建立程序开关控制器,使复杂控制回路在系统故障恢复后及时投入运行,以达到无扰动操作的目的;
Development and application of the analysis system for closed loop operation of distribution network 配电网合环操作环流分析系统的开发和应用
Foreign private equity institutions usually take the perfect closed loop operation to enter into China by means of equity investment. 海外私人股权投资机构通常运用完美闭环操作,用股权投资方式进入中国。
In this paper, we put forward a simplify mode of loop operation and it deduces the calculation of stable current and impact current. 本文提出了配电网合环操作的简化模型,对合环稳态电流和冲击电流的计算进行了详细的推导。
A scanning system under open loop operation based on the mathematical model is studied and designed, including the identification of hysteresis model parameters and obtaining of the inverse model. 本文完成了基于迟滞数学模型的开环控制系统的设计研究,包括迟滞数学模型参数的识别,逆模型的求取。
To realize the unattended load forecasting mode and to meet the need of electricity market, the closed loop operation mechanism is applied in this system. 该系统采用闭环运行机制,实现无人值守负荷预测模式,以适应电力市场发展的需要。
After a general introduction of the software/ hardware structure functions of the systems, the discussions are emphasized on the special considerations for closed loop operation and FTU with differential protection function at fault state. 在对配电网自动化系统的软硬件结构和功能进行全面介绍和分析的基础上,着重对闭环运行需特殊考虑的问题以及具有故障状态差动保护功能的FTU进行了论述。
Research on Loop Closing Operation in Distribution Network 配电网合环操作的研究
The Research on Loop Closing Operation in Distribution Network and the Development of Decision Software 配电网合环操作的研究及决策软件的开发
Study on Electromagnetic Loop Network Operation of Power Systems 电力系统的电磁环网运行
This paper analyses and concludes the CDCM manufacturing techniques of cold rolling factory, composition and information exchanging of loop electricity cybernetic system, parameter calculating and setting, control method of loop, operation state and precision of tension controlling. 结合实际,对冷轧厂CDCM生产线的工艺过程、活套电控系统组成及信息交换、参数的计算与设定、活套控制方式、运行状态及张力控制精度等进行分析和总结。
Closed loop operation is the effective measures to improve power supply reliability in the distribution network. 配电网合环操作是电网运行中提高供电可靠性的有效措施。
As the loop closing operation will generate steady-state current and impulse current, that if the current is too large may has a bad effect on power system security. 由于合环操作时对系统将会产生稳态电流及冲击电流,如果电流过大有可能会影响到系统的安全。
After researching the closing loop operation completely, we make a closing loop modeling of parts of some lines of DaXing area and then simulate and analyze it. 对合环操作有了比较全面的研究后,对大兴地区部分线路进行了合环建模仿真与计算分析。
Based on this, this paper calculates the changes of power flow, the impulse current and the short-circuit during the loop closing operation. 在此基础上,本文计算并分析了10kV馈线合环时过程的潮流变化,暂态冲击电流,短路电流等,并给出合环结论。
Under maintenance or accident cases of the distribution network, loads are switched by the loop closing operation to improve power supply reliability and reduce the load losses. 在配电网进行检修工作或者是事故情况下需要将用户负荷进行合环转供电以提高供电可靠性,以减少用电客户的损失。
Through real-time communication with the exiting SCADA system, a decision-making support system for loop closing operation is designed and the functions and method for use of the system are described in detail in this paper. 与中山电力系统现行使用的SCADA系统进行实时通讯,设计出了合环决策系统,并详细介绍了该系统的功能及使用方法。
When there were faults or maintenance in urban power grid, the power loads were transferred through closing loop operation to avoid blackouts of consumers and improve the reliability of power supply. 当系统故障或检修时,通过合环操作实现负荷转移,避免用户停电,提高供电的可靠性。
Electromagnetic loop operation analysis system plays a role in safe operation and operation mode arrangements of Zhangye city distribution network. 电磁合环操作分析系对张掖市城市配电网的安全运行和运行方式的安排起到了积极的指导作用。